Saturday, 20 August 2016


Hello Guys.
Thanks to all visitors for visiting my site and making it more useful.
One thing I want to confess that every material in this blog are collected and sourced from internet.

PURPOSE: To collect those useful materials and make it available in one platform. It will reduce labour and save time of students from searching different materials from different sources. 

New Posts are coming soon.
Thank You & Keep Visiting  :) 

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Programming with Phython



                 Python is regarded as being a great hobbyist language, yet it is also an extremely powerful language. It has bindings for C/C++ and Java so it can be used to tie large projects together or for rapid prototyping. It has a built-in GUI (graphical user interface) library via Tkinter, which lets the programmer make simple graphical interfaces with little effort. However, other, more powerful and complete GUI builders are available, such as Qt and GTK+. IronPython, a Python version for Windows using the .NET framework, is also available for those using Microsoft’s Visual Studio products. Python can also be used in a realtime interpreter for testing code snippets before adding them into a normal “executable".

                  Python is classified as a scripting language. Generally speaking, this just means that it’s not compiled to create the machine-readable code and that the code is “tied-into” another program as a control routine. Compiled languages, such as C++, require the programmer to run the source code through a compiler before the software is can be used by a computer. Depending on the program’s size, the compilation process can take minutes to hours.


Python Programming 2nd Edition

                                          by: Cody Jackson


>>>Click here to Download<<< 



Reference: Internet, Google

C++ Programming

           C++ is an enhanced C language typically used for object oriented programming. It traces its origins back well over thirty years. Although it’s far from the oldest computer language, it’s one of the older ones that is in common usage today – so you might say it gets an A for its ability to adept to changing technological times.

           C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, who did the first development work as part of his PhD project. During the early years, he called the language “C with Classes”. He had begun developing a new language because he felt that no existing language was ideal for large scale projects. Later, when he was working at AT&T Bell Labs, he again felt limited. He dusted off his “C with Classes” and added features of other languages. Simula had a strong influence; AlLGOL 68 played a role. Ultimately, a lot more than classes got added: virtual functions, templates, and operator overloading.

1. Learn C++ programming language

    >>>Coming Soon<<< 

2. Interview Questions and Answers on "C++"

3. Interview Questions with Answers on "C++" 

 Reference:, Google, internet

Data Structure


In computer science, a data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently. Data structures can implement one or more particular abstract data types (ADT), which specify the operations that can be performed on a data structure and the computational complexity of those operations.
 In comparison, a data structure is a concrete implementation of the specification provided by an ADT.

Different kinds of data structures are suited to different kinds of applications, and some are highly specialized to specific tasks. For example, relational databases commonly use B-tree indexes for data retrieval, while compiler implementations usually use hash tables to look up identifiers.

Here, you will find the best materials for the above topic:

1. Download the best reference book on Data Structure


                                                    -by Reema Thareja
                                                     Oxford University Press 

 >>>Click here to Download<<<

2. Download chapter-wise intro in Data Structure

a) Introduction to Data Structure

   >>>Click here to Download<<<

b) Arrays

  >>>Click here to Download<<<

c) Stacks and Queue

  >>>Click here to Download<<<

d) Linked List

  >>>Click here to Download<<<

e) Sorting and Searching

   >>>Click here to Download<<<

f) Tree

  >>>Click here to Download<<<

Reference:, internet